
Announcing: Matthijs Munnik’s Citadels: Lightscape V

Readers of our newsletter already had the scoop: we’ve added Matthijs Munnik‘s Citadels: Lightscape V to our performance programme!

Munnik is a media artist who lives and work in the Hague. After studying at both Academie Minerva in Groningen and the Royal Academy of Arts in The Hague, he went on to win the Artist & Designers 4 Genomics award for his Microscopic Opera project and was nominated for the kunstlicht award 2010. Come 2014, he has become a well-known name in media art, primarily due to his series ‘Common Structures’ and ‘Lightscape’, which both challenge the sensory limits of the beholder.

For us, he’ll be presenting his work Citadels: Lightscape V, a psychedelic adventure which puts the audience through a collective hallucinatory trip exploring colour, patterns and the inner workings of the eye itself. Be forewarned: this performance is not something which can be adequately described in words, due to its nature. The work presents a high-frequency overload of flickering colours (epileptics beware), which overloads the spectator’s visual intake. The eyes and brain, trying to make sense of this torrent of information, starts creating patterns and shapes that aren’t really there. In other words: you start seeing stuff that just ain’t really there, thereby providing yourself with your own unique experience.

We hope this will leave you in a properly floaty state of mind to jump into 5 Days Off’s following programme: a full night of techno from Speedy J’s own label Electric Deluxewith Collabs 3000 (Speedy J & Chris Liebling), Abdulla Rashim, Marcel Fengler, Will & Ink, Truss, LET resident Jean Pierre Enfant and others.

Visitors of Coded Matter(s) #5: Coding the Club can get in for a reduced price or just buy a combi-ticket in advance.

Stay tuned for more new names later this week!