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Announcing: Peter Kirn

In officially announcing our lineup for Coded Matter(s) #5: Coding the Club, we’d like to start at the beginning this time, with the man who is going to introduce the evening: Peter Kirn.

Kirn is an audiovisual artist, journalist, and technologist. He is widely known for founding and running the Create Digital Media blogs (including the well known and read Create Digital Music and Create Digital Motion), which explore creative technology, its leading names and new developments. In addition to this, he also develops open creative tools, like the open-source MeeBlip synthesizer which he co-created, and teaches these tools as well. In fact, he is doing so right now over at CTM in Berlin, where he is co-hosting the MusicMakers HackLab: a weeklong open, collaborative laboratory where participants from various disciplines get the chance to mix rediscovered analogue and electronic techniques with new, still-evolving digital processes. It’s pretty cool, so be sure to take a look if you’re over there!

Peter is also known for his own creative work. Trained in composition and piano, he now performs live electronic music and is a PhD Candidate in Music Composition at The City University of New York Graduate Center. He does live in Berlin, though.

At Coding the Club, he’ll be giving an introduction talk to provide an overview of the various topics we’ll be discussing, from new developments in dance floor environments to the production and interdisciplinary performance of audiovisual live shows and electronic music.

If you want to know more about Peter, have a look at his website or go say hi to him over at CTM!


Was the announcement of the introduction talk enough to convince you that Coded Matter(s) #5: Coding the Club is going to be a greatly enriching experience? Good! Tickets are on pre-sale now.