
‘483 Lines’ (2014) by Kimchi and Chips

“To reduce the complex interactions of digital and analogue into a simple binary opposition is to grasp at essences where none can be relied on.” –  Digital Light (Sean Cubitt, Daniel Palmer and Nathaniel Tkacz, 2015)

At the heart of ‘High Fidelity’ lie questions of our own human perception. How do we see and perceive objects that blur the boundaries of art, technology, and vision? With Coded Matter(s) #9 under a week away, we invite you to reflect on our theme with a new piece by workshop leader and keynote presenter Elliot Woods. Lose yourself in ‘483 Lines,’ the utterly absorbing nylon string installation by Elliot’s Seoul-based art studio Kimchi and Chips. Literally building on the fine space between analogue and digital, material and immaterial, and lines and pixels, ‘483 Lines’ is a fitting window to the work our beloved Coded Matter(s) participants.

483 Lines from Mimi Son on Vimeo.